Comment prendre des pilules Winstrol?

comment prendre des pilules Winstrol

Stanozolol a été mis au point par les laboratoires Winthrop dans 1962 sous le nom de marque pilules Winstrol. Initialement, le médicament a été créé pour traiter l'anémie, angio-œdème héréditaire, accélérer la récupération après la chirurgie, ainsi que pour une utilisation en médecine vétérinaire pour augmenter la masse musculaire, stimuler l'hématopoïèse, renforcer les os et stimuler l'appétit des animaux affaiblis ou malades.

A little later stanozolol began to be actively used on cross-country horses to increase speed performance. It quickly drew the attention of athletes bodybuilding and other power sports starting to take Winstrol ergogenic purpose.

nominale 4.88 hors de 5
Stanozolol orale (Winstrol) par Alpha Pharma
[ 50mg (50 pilules) ]

How Much Winstrol Pills to Take?

Solo cycle of Winstrol pills is carried out by athletes to obtain relief and venosity, as well as to increase power performance. En d'autres termes, this cycle is suitable for people who have a sufficient body weight with a moderate fat content.

  • The optimal dosage of Winstrol pills is 30-50 mg or injections every day. Athletes and boxers take, comme règle, lower doses – sur 10 mg / jour.
  • The duration of the cycle is approximately 4-6 semaines. By increasing the duration of the cycle increases the risk of side effects, especially concerning the joints.
  • After the end of the Stanozolol cycle, après 2-3 days it is necessary to conduct Thérapie post-cycle.
  • For maximum effect, take sports nutrition for relief.

It should be noted that many experienced athletes recommend using Winstrol pills only in combination with Propionate de testostérone. This approach reduces the risk of side effects, en particulier, significantly reduces the likelihood of harmful effects on the joints: testosterone retains fluid in the body, not allowing the joint bag to dehydrate. en outre, testosterone can significantly improve the efficiency of the Stanozolol cycle.

winstrol pills how to take

What Steroids are Combined with Winstrol Pills?

Depending on the desired result, a combined cycle of Winstrol pills is constructed. For muscle mass gain, stronger androgens such as La testostérone, dianabol ou anadrol included in the cycle. Dans ce cas, Stanozolol balances the cycle, creating a good anabolic effect and reducing the estrogenic effect of other drugs. Dans ce cas, it is necessary to include aromatase inhibitors in the cycle, Nolvadex ou Clomid are used for Post Cycle Therapy. As a result of the correct combination, you can achieve a significant increase in muscle mass with much less fluid retention and fat.

Before a competition or during a diet for weight loss, Winstrol pills can be combined with a non-aromatizing androgen such as acétate de trenbolone. This combination, as practice shows, gives relief and firmness to the muscles, to which many athletes aspire.

produits recommandés

En rupture de stock
Stanozolol orale (Winstrol) Eminence Labs
[ 10mg (50 pilules) ]

stéroïdes oraux

Stanozolol Tablets

Stanozolol par Maxtreme
[ 10 mg / tab. (100 languette.) ]
Stanozolol orale (Winstrol) par Dragon Pharma
[ 50mg (100 pilules) ]