Cytomel is neither an anabolic steroid, a selective androgen receptor modulator (SARM), or any other chemical often used by athletes or bodybuilders. Cytomel, on the other hand, belongs to its own chemical class. It is a synthetic version of T3, also known as triiodothyronine, a thyroid hormone generated by the human body.
If you’re reading this, you’re probably aware that this medication is frequently used for weight loss. Should you use it, however? Continue reading to find out if the benefits outweigh the risks.
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Cytomel / T3 / Liothyronine
[ 25mcg (30 pills) ] $14.30
What is T3 (Cytomel)?
T3, also known as cytomel, is a synthetic counterpart of the natural thyroid hormone thyroxine. T3, like all other thyroid hormones, boosts metabolic rate to help control the body’s energy metabolism. It should not be mistaken with T4; rather, Cytomel has been chemically altered to increase efficacy while removing unnecessary elements that may cause it to remain in the body for an extended period of time.
Cytomel has been used by many bodybuilders and athletes for a variety of reasons. Weightlifters take this drug to increase their metabolic rate and daily calorie expenditure. This suggests that a bigger calorie deficit is required to hasten weight loss. Furthermore, bodybuilders use Cytomel because it increases protein synthesis within muscle fibers, which can result in greater gains once post-cycle treatment is completed.
Cytomel can also be used for a more unpleasant purpose. When a bodybuilder is losing weight quickly and experiencing hunger pangs, they may consider taking T3 with anabolic steroids or human growth hormone to prevent muscle loss during a calorie deficit.
People will take T3 to prevent muscle loss because clinical studies have shown that it increases lean mass substantially more than any other type of thyroid medication. Some people use it as a fat burner, however this is not recommended due to the increased risk of side effects and the lack of benefits established by research.
What does T3 do?
Cytomel acts within the body by increasing metabolic rate. This drug works by raising TSH (thyroid-stimulating hormone) synthesis, which stimulates the release of hormones such triiodothyronine (T3) and thyroxine (T4).
This medication is generally used to treat hypothyroidism or to supplement other hypothyroid treatments. It can also be used to augment a low-calorie diet because it has been shown to aid in weight loss, especially when combined with a low-calorie diet and exercise.
This medication is sometimes used off-label to treat an underactive pituitary gland or to stimulate ovulation in infertile women in addition to treating hypothyroidism. Some individuals utilize this medication as part of an obesity therapy plan, particularly if phentermine and fenfluramine have been ineffective.
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Cytomel is thought to work by boosting the body’s basal metabolic rate. This is said to help with the breakdown of stored fat and weight loss, especially when accompanied with a rigorous diet and exercise regimen.
In patients with an underactive thyroid, this medication increases the amount of hormones produced within the body by increasing TSH production via the pituitary gland. Underactive thyroid suggests that the organ isn’t producing enough hormones to keep your body working smoothly.
This medication can help individuals with hyperthyroidism by reducing hormone synthesis in the body, which helps slow down their metabolic rate and treat weight issues associated with hyperthyroidism.
T3 Benefits

There are various positive outcomes associated with the use of Cytomel. It is frequently less expensive than other prescription medications for obesity for patients who desire to lose weight because it does not require insulin injections.
The advantages of using this drug in bodybuilding include increasing fat release into the bloodstream so that muscles may use it for energy. This leads to less fat accumulation around the waist, hips, and thighs, which is associated with a smaller shape.
Cytomel has a variety of favorable effects on hypothyroid people since it replaces or supplements their natural hormones. This regulates their metabolism, allowing them to avoid gaining or losing too much weight, especially when accompanied with a monitored diet and exercise routine.
The advantage of using Cytomel to treat female infertility is that it increases ovulation, which is required for pregnancy.
Cytomel can also be used to treat pituitary dwarfism in children, as well as to promote growth and development. When paired with a strict diet and exercise routine, this medication has also been shown to be useful in the treatment of obesity.
Cytomel is occasionally used as part of a treatment plan for an overactive thyroid, which aids in weight loss by decreasing metabolic rate.
Cytomel increases the production of insulin-like growth factor (IGF) and decreases glucose levels, both of which are effective in the treatment of acromegaly. IGF is important because it promotes bone and tissue growth, which is why this medication is used to promote bone growth in pituitary dwarf children.
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Cytomel Side Effects
It is not recommended that you misuse Cytomel. When used in the recommended dosage as prescribed by your doctor, this medication has no known side effects.
When used inappropriately, Cytomel can have a number of negative side effects, some of which are significant. Some of the most common adverse effects of this medication include constipation, shakiness, problems sleeping, migraines, changes in appetite or weight, Cytomel hair loss, and acne.
Other potential side effects to be aware of if you are considering abusing this medication include facial or body hair growth, changes in menstruation or other hormone-related problems, depression, swelling of the hands and legs, muscle weakness, and appetite changes that can lead to weight gain or loss.
In rare cases, it can cause a man’s breasts to expand. It may also cause their testicles to shrink, which may lead to infertility. This medication may affect thyroid function and increase your risk of heart disease.
Some of the potential side effects of Cytomel misuse include:
In rare cases, cyclomel abuse might cause changes in the shape of your bones. This includes an increase in thickness and curvature, both of which can lead to osteoporosis later in life.
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Cytomel dosage
To avoid the bad effects of Cytomel misuse, it is critical to follow your doctor’s dosage recommendations. This medication should never be taken in high amounts or combined with other medications without first consulting with your doctor.
Bodybuilders taking this medication to gain muscle typically take between 15 and 25 mg. Some people may take up to 50mg per day, but no more than 100mg should be taken every day.
Dosages are typically decided by the condition being treated as well as the size of the person receiving it. If you use Cytomel to lose weight, your doctor would most likely advise you to take one to five mcg every day.
This medication should never be taken orally unless it has been dissolved in water first. If consumed in liquid form or crushed and placed on the tongue, cytomel can produce serious side effects such as burns to your mouth, lips, or tongue.
To avoid stomach and digestive tract side effects, take this medication with a full glass of water, milk, or juice. This medication should never be taken with antacids since it may prevent them from being absorbed properly in your body.
It is also recommended that you avoid consuming alcohol while taking this medication because it may exacerbate the severity of the side effects.
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Cytomel Weight Loss
Cytomel acts within the body by increasing metabolic rate. It does so by raising TSH (thyroid-stimulating hormone) production, which stimulates the release of hormones such triiodothyronine (T3) and thyroxine (T4).
This drug is generally used to treat hypothyroidism or as a supplement to other hypothyroid treatments. It can also be used to augment a low-calorie diet because it has been shown to aid in weight reduction, especially when paired with a low-calorie diet and exercise.
In addition to treating hypothyroidism, this medication is occasionally used off-label to treat an underactive pituitary gland or to stimulate ovulation in infertile women. Some people use this medicine as part of an obesity treatment plan, especially if phentermine and fenfluramine haven’t worked.
Cytomel is thought to work by boosting the body’s basal metabolic rate. This is supposed to help in fat breakdown and weight reduction, especially when paired with diet and exercise.
In persons with an underactive thyroid, this medication increases the quantity of hormones produced inside the body by increasing TSH production via the pituitary gland. Underactive thyroid suggests that the organ isn’t producing enough hormones to keep your body working normally.
T3 can benefit individuals with hyperthyroidism by reducing hormone production in the body, which helps slow down their metabolic rate and manage weight issues associated with hyperthyroidism.
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The general Cytomel dosage for weight loss usually ranges from 80-160 mg (80-160 mcg) per day. Using Cytomel T3 for weight loss is one of the most effective methods, but more than 160 mg per day may be too high. Keep in mind that the Cytomel dosage weight loss requires must be adhered to at all times in order to avoid side effects.
In contrast to what may be expected, Cytomel has also been shown to be effective in reducing the effects of alcohol intoxication in mice. The drug is administered as a low dose, which displays mild sedative, anticonvulsant, and cardioprotective properties with no adverse effect on the liver or kidney functions in mice.Cytomel can also have a positive impact on cognitive function in individuals.
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How long does Cytomel take to start working?
Cytomel begins to operate within a few hours, but its full effect can take two to three days. It just takes 4 hours for 95% of a Cytomel dose to be completely absorbed.
How long does Cytomel stay in your system?
Cytomel can remain in your system for up to 12.5 days after the last dose. This period is calculated by experts using a drug’s half-life. The half-life of a drug is the amount of time it takes for 50% of the medication to be eliminated from the body.
Alternatives to Cytomel
Despite the fact that T3 Cytomel has a lot of benefits associated with weight loss, this product may not always be available for everyone. But the good news is, there are some great alternatives that people can use instead. Some of the Cytomel alternatives include L-carnitine, fish oil, and CLA.
Cytomel Results
There are a lot of Cytomel weight loss results that were reported by its users. Some of these amazing T3 Cytomel results include a significant loss in weight, an increase in metabolism, and a reduction in cellulite. If you are interested in Cytomel weight loss results, then look for it on your trusted online supplement source today!
Cytomel / T3 / Liothyronine
[ 25 mcg/tab. (50 tab.) ] $34.10
Cytomel / T3 / Liothyronine
[ 25mcg (30 pills) ] $14.30
Cytomel / T3 / Liothyronine
[ 25 mcg/tab. (50 tab.) ] $27.50
I used to cycle for Cytomel T3 once in the past; 2 days on, one day off, only 20mcg; after two weeks, I developed cross-striations in my quads. Using Cytomel for 4-5 weeks was the longest I used it. I was already in excellent form; I’m a strong, athletic 5’7″, 220 lb.
I used Cytomel T3 for a complete cycle a year ago. Great results, but as many have stated, they are pointless if you don’t put in the extra effort to continue dieting and losing fat through exercise, among other things. The benefits of using Cytomel T3 are in the fact that you are not taking any extra hormones and it is also a very safe compound.
I am really struggling with my weight loss journey. I haven’t been able to find anything to work, until I tried taking Cytomel T3 weight loss. I noticed that not only did it help me with my weight loss, but also helped me feel more energized and less cranky during the day. This is the answer I’ve been looking for!
“I had been using Cytomel for over a month and I am seeing great results. It’s been really helpful in fighting my appetite and helped me be able to stay on track with my diet. A cycle for Cytomel T3 lasted around a month.
I had no idea what was going on with my body. I struggled with weight loss and I had been feeling really frustrated. When I found the benefits of Cytomel t3, I thought it was too good to be true. But then, it happened. My body started to change and the pounds started coming off. Now I feel better than ever!
With my HGH, I use Cytomel dosage. To increase the effects of HGH on fat loss, take 100mcg/ed. Cytomel side effects were also minimal and mild. As mentioned, I also used Beta-human growth hormone to help with fat loss and muscle build.
I performed a cut cycle using 100 prop, 50 mast, and 50 tren ace. Anavar 80 mg daily combined with T3 Cytomel bodybuilding caused extreme muscle growth and shredding. T3 benefits include increased strength and libido, but it also has a great fat loss effect. It is not for everyone though, because you have to receive the T3 by injection. I use that because of my personal sensitivity to injections.
Despite using Cytomel weight loss for many years, I haven’t yet utilized roids. It helped me lose a lot of fat and gain a lot of lean muscle. Cytomel results in the loss of fat without muscle atrophy. It can be used for fat loss and strength gains at the same time. I lost about a stone in 3 weeks.
I enjoy the Cytomel version of T3. Not an excellent idea if you don’t have any testosterone in your system to prevent muscle waste. Perfect, keep an eye on your body temperature. Never take ephedrine along with it. Its weight loss properties is perfect for most people.
My Cytomel dosage was increased to 150 mcg, and I received 120 mcg of clen every two weeks. The advantage of using Cytomel is that it does not affect blood pressure. I decided to actually take the 100 mg, which is the standard dosage for normal people. It is also much more convenient than getting my blood drawn every two weeks. Never experience any side effects of Cytomel as well.
After 7 days with the use of Cytomel, I’m up to 40mcg each day. When you gradually increase the dose, it’s not nearly as horrible as people claim. I began with 10 mcg. Dieting is essential; it is not some sort of miraculous fat burner. But little by little you will see the Cytomel weight loss results.
T3 Cytomel bodybuilding is the best weight loss supplement that I have found. It helped me drop a lot of weight and it is one of the few supplements that actually work for me. My metabolism is naturally pretty slow, so without T3 benefits, I would be stuck. Now I can eat as much as I want and still lose weight!
I have been taking Cytomel T3 for weight loss. I started with the 10mg dose, but eventually bumped up to 25mg to see if I would get any more results. The effects of Cytomel for weight loss effects were gradual, but they did start to show in my clothes fitting a bit tighter than they were before.
I have been on Cytomel version of T3 for over 3 months now and the weight is coming off pretty steadily. It took a while but I have lost 20 pounds so far and I am finally feeling confident again. The Cytomel is working well so the fact that it’s not very convenient to take is worth it to me. When you see results as good as this, anything becomes worth it!
I had been struggling with my weight and it was really starting to take a toll on my self-esteem. I tried Cytomel dosage and lost 15 pounds in just 4 weeks! I feel so much better now. Plus, it’s never too late to start eating healthy and exercising… Also, Cytomel side effects are manageable.
I took Cytomel T3 for about 8 weeks, and I was really impressed with the weight loss. It’s not a miracle drug, but it did help me to lose over 10 pounds. The best thing is how happy I feel with Cytomel weight loss results. I don’t get hung up on what to eat or when to eat it anymore because I just feel satisfied all day long.
I love my Cytomel results. I’ve been taking it for over a year and have seen some pretty incredible results. It’s not as expensive as some of the other medications out there and I’m just so pleased with how well it worked for me. Cytomel weight loss is a great thing to have in your life. I can’t say enough good things about it. The only negative I would say is that it makes me feel so sluggish and tired, which I’ve never felt before. However, if you want to shed the pounds then this is what you need!
I use Cytomel T3 to lose weight, and though the results were not instant, I saw and felt the weight coming off. I’ve lost over 20 pounds in a month!!
I was always overweight and tried many ways to lose weight. I even went on one diet after the other, but my weight would never change. But then I found Cytomel and the weight started coming off…I feel so much better now and my energy levels are much higher too! The advantage of using Cytomel is that I can eat the foods I want and still lose weight.