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Drostanolone is quite well-known steroid with strong androgenic activity and mild anabolic properties. Is synthetically obtained a derivative of dihydrotestosterone, almost no effect on the androgenic receptors in the cells and does not aromatize, and therefore, has very mild side effects.

The use of Drostanolone found among a wide range of athletes, both professionals and beginners. The active substance of the drug drostanolone dipropionate the main effect is a marked increase in strength, density and topography of the muscle without increase in weight. Feature of drug is its anti-estrogen activity and short time of excretion from the body, allowing you to take the steroid immediately before the competition. Taking into consideration that it turns into estradiol and not toxic to the liver, this drug is considered one of the safest steroids.

Many athletes, ranging from runners and swimmers to bodybuilders and lifters, prefer Drostanolone Propionate. This steroid has a predominantly androgenic activity, and is therefore very popular in sports circles.

While taking steroid increases the level of androgens, but the return of growth in estrogen levels occurs. This means a qualitative growth of dense muscle mass, sharply drawn relief and decreases body fat. This is especially important at the final stage of preparation for a competition when already dialed the number of the mass should be translated into quality. Often there is a description Drostanolone Injection of the drug as “the last push”.

Initially, the preparations based on this active substance was used to combat breast cancer, but the treatment of women having a high probability of occurrence of the side effects of virilization. In this regard, the doctors had to abandon its use among women.

Currently a lot of athletes use effect of the drug Drostanolone to make muscle hardness prior to the competition. The drug is eliminated from the body in just 14 days, so a properly constructed course provides a qualitative increase of the results and at the same time safety on the doping tests.

But because of enhanced androgenic activity of the drug is not recommended for women athletes. Only a very experienced female athletes can enter up to 25 mg of the substance every two or three days. If you do it often or in large quantities, the effect of virilization cannot be avoided. For women it is recommended to use analogues of this drug with lower androgenic activity.

There are hardly any anabolic steroids with no side effects but Drostanolone Propionate has milder side effects on the consumers. The substance doesn’t progestin nature that may cause estrogenic impacts. It prevents water retention and high blood pressure as well. This anabolic androgenic steroid does have some androgenic side effects like; acne, rapid hair fall, men-like baldness etc. more so, users have reported that long term use may cause insomnia to the consumers.

Dosage: The moderate dosage of this supplement falls in between 200-400mg on a weekly basis. This is considered as a very lower dosage and this should be tolerated by most of the consumers. While lower dosage can bring significant results, the higher dosage can make huge differences to the consumers. The accurate administration is 100mg on every second or third day since this will increase the hardness and dryness during the cutting cycle. However, an expert’s opinion is always recommended.

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Drostanolone Propionate


Drostanolone propionate (Masteron) by Alpha Pharma
[ 10 ampoules (100mg/ml) ]
Drostanolone propionate (Masteron) by Alpha Pharma
[ 10ml vial (100mg/ml) ]

Drostanolone Propionate

Masteron 100

Drostanolone propionate (Masteron) by Dragon Pharma
[ 10ml vial (100mg/ml) ]

Drostanolone Propionate

Masteron 200

Drostanolone propionate (Masteron) by Dragon Pharma
[ 10 ampoules (200mg/ml) ]

Drostanolone Propionate


Drostanolone propionate (Masteron) by Maxtreme
[ 10 ampoules (100mg/ml) ]